Calgary Real Estate News

Calgary Real Estate Statistics - January 2024

Posted on Jan 08, 2024 in Calgary Real Estate News

Strong migration and low supply drive Calgary housing prices in 2023

Sales in 2023 did ease relative to 2022 peak, but with 27,416 sales, levels were still far higher than long-term trends and activity reported before the pandemic. There was notable shift in activity toward more affordable condominium style homes. 
“Higher lending rates dampened hous...

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Calgary Real Estate Statistics - December 2023

Posted on Dec 08, 2023

In November, the city saw a surge in new listings, reaching 2,227 units – 40% increase compared to the same period last year. The most notable gains occurred in homes priced over $600,000.

Despite the increase in new listings, the inventory levels remained low. With 1,787 sales in November, the months of supply stayed below two months

“Like other lar...

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Calgary Real Estate Statistics - Nov 2023

Posted on Nov 15, 2023 in Calgary Real Estate News

Home sales in Calgary slowed over the last month as it usually does during this time of year. Despite this, there were 2,171 sales, which is 17% more than last year and one of the highest levels for October. This increase is caused by because more people are buying apartment condominiums that are more affordable. 

New home listings increased to 2,68...

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